Sunday, June 14, 2015

*MOVIE* Jurassic World Review!

In the words of Dr. Malcolm: "Uh life um, finds a way".

And he can never be more right. In this fourth installment of the Jurassic Park franchise we are introduced with fresh faces, a new park, new dinosaurs plus returning ones, also the addition of witty and heart-pumping moments throughout the film.

This is what John Hammond envisioned, a park for the world. But it's anything that simple. But when the latest new attraction the Indominus Rex breaks loose and causes an island spread rampage. It is up to Owen Grady (portrayed by Chris Pratt) to take this dinosaur down. With some help along the way.

Let me just state for the record. This movie by far was the best Jurassic Park movie since Lost World staring Jeff Goldbulm. In fact, this is what myself and many others envisioned what Jurassic Park III was going to be about, but well. we all know how that movie turned out. This movie just fines the right balance of humor and witty dialogue with human presence and dinosaur presence throughout the whole movie. Not only that but just so many references from the first movie it will make your head explode in nerdgasm.

However that is where the negatives come in. While the human interaction was nice and all, some of the dialogue falls flat in some areas, and yes there were stereotypical characters in this movie. You got the douche, asshole, smart-ass, bad-ass, the know it all, and the person who is just...well there. I won't spoil WHO these people are but in the movie it comes clear as day who these people are.

Another negative of this movie was the fact it pulls a "X-Men: Days of Future Past" where they completely. not recognizing at all. The second installment and third installment of the franchise. Yes those two movies have it's up's and down's but at least make some small reference to them.

Also the predictability rate in this movie was really huge. You know who is going to die, just not how or at least the "how" part but....where? That includes the final fight against the I-Rex.

Ironically. If you look at the human element in this movie. It was sort of like what we saw in Godzilla (2014) Yes, it was a great Godzilla movie. But just like this movie, if the human characters don't have the right pace or presentation, then it falls flat. Other than that the rest of the movie is freaking awesome. The only notable exception was Chris Pratt's character. He did a good job, while everyone else was just....there.

A huge upside. That i want to mention in this movie was it's CGI presentation, this movie came a long way. Since the first movie and has really improve on it. It almost feels these dinosaurs are really there. Plus the possibility of potential sequels. This movie can go in so many routes and hopefully chooses wisely how to proceed.

All in all, If you look past the human characters and look at Jurassic World as a whole. This movie succeed in living up to what Jurassic Park III couldn't do. It had the right balance of human presence and dinosaur presence to make this a fantastic installment to the franchise.

Now. I will split the score into two.

For the average movie goer this movie is about a 7/10.
For the Jurassic Park die-hard fans. 8 to 9/10. Same Pros and Cons applied.

- Excellent CGI
- Balance of Human and Dino presence
- Music score and Easter egg presentation
- Heart pumping moments

- Flat line of witty and humor dialogue
- Cheesy presentation of human characters. Plus forgettable.
- Predictable
- Not establishing current events. Just making new ones.

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