Sunday, July 5, 2015

*GAME* The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Review

Skyrim has made significant improvements from the previous games, but lack that certain charm from the previous games like Morrowind or Oblivion. For instance, the leveling up system has been improved but it makes leveling up not as fun as the class based system you see in the previous Elder Scroll games, the combat hasn't really all that improved just the standard block, and hit with a possible 50/50 critical depending upon how well you leveled up. If you use magic make sure you buff yourself and use strong magicka spells.

The world itself is pleasing enough, with the right ENB mods and mods in general you can make those screenshots look beautiful and epic. You will lose hours on end not just by doing quests here and there but just by exploring the vast lands of Skyrim and seeing the world change and react to things that you do or nature or even the NPC's.

The NPC's in this game is far better than the ones seen in Oblivion. Not only do they interact with you but they interact in a way which feels almost life like. They will still do their tasks while at the same time talk to you. And thank god the voice-overs are vary rather than the same like the ones seen in Oblivion. Plus each one has their own 'background' or particular quest which makes them even more interesting to chat with and of course help them in the time of need if they require it.

The DLC's themselves just adds more layers to Skyrim. Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn gives new powers, abilities, lore, shouts, armor and weapons, plus locations, quests and NPC's. The standard DLC for an RPG. Except for Hearthfire, which is an add-on not DLC. Hearthfire is basically (almost) like the Sims. This add-on just adds adoptions, homesteads, and new NPC's and a few raident quests.

Skyrim without mods is still great, but just a bit buggy and glitchy. The modding community has helped making the game great. And then some! I mean not only do you got a ton of Mod reviewers out there (Bordual, and Gopher, MMOxReview and Top 5 Skyrim mods of the week from GameSpot) plus many more. But also talented artists (painters, and drawers for example), music composers, fan fiction writers, short videos, parodies, playthroughs. I mean so much more!

Skyrim is a great game to play. A great experience. 

Recommend it!

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