Friday, July 17, 2015

*GAME* Godzilla: The Game (You had ONE job!)

This and other promotional images videos, etc. are the closest thing you will get to.


When it was announced a Godzilla game was going to be made for the current generation of gamers. Everyone who was a Godzilla fan turned into instant kids over the thought of playing Godzilla once again. However when this game was released it was anything but a Godzilla game.

Main Body:

The game doesn't take long to install. This is the first signs of something that has gone wrong. After trailers, Q&A's from the developers. This game was going to stay true to the Godzilla franchise? In a sense, yes. However the execution itself was average to poor quality. What turned into a Godzilla Simulator/Fighting game. Just became the latter a simulation game.

Pros & Cons:

Pros: Let me first state for the record. This game did every right in honoring the Toho monster name and his enemies or allies. Down to every little detail. Each monster is an exact representation of their movie counterpart. And that is about it. If you have been watching Godzilla movies as long as i have and played the previous games, then you should know what to do.

Cons: The game had two huge major issues. One, it was limited to the PlayStation consoles (PS4, PS3) why on god's green earth did they do that? is beyond me. Imagine this game being on the PC or even on the Xbox consoles. It will give a wider feedback rather than a limited one. Two, Depending upon which console you have. The content is very limited to lackluster. The PlayStation 4 has online match making, while the PlayStation 3 version does not. The only thing you will be getting is the Legendary (Godzilla 2014) character skin.....that you can't used in the main "story mode' or anywhere else but a "King of Kaiju" mode. Another thing to throw out there, even though i only mentioned two is that, the controls while they are easy to use it get's kind of frustrating to move Godzilla around from time to time. Which of course in the movies Godzilla moves slow. But when you use to directional prompts: One to turn the camera, and one to turn Godzilla. You know you done and fuck it up. And of course, the standard technical issues. If you press the L2 button in a sea of buildings your framerate will drop and lag for about eh 10 seconds give it a second or two. Lastly is the repetitiveness in monsters. Yes, i know the majority of Godzilla films showed the same monsters over and over again. But here in this game, you will either face: Hedorah, Mothra (larvae and Butterfly), King Ghidroah, Gigan, Legendary Godzilla, and Mecha Godzilla. Some of the more rare monsters like the Destroyer and such are hard to "obtain" because they only had one film or whatever the case may be.

Oh and another thing the graphics are very poor no matter what console you used. This only goes for the cut scenes, but everything else is slightly above average.


Gods of Destruction mode:
It's the story mode. But before that, you are treated to a one timer (unless you have the PlayStation 4 version) to a tutorial session taking place in 1954. And obviously the controls are simple, but sadly you can't skip it till you completed it. After your main objective as Godzilla, is to wreck havoc across Japan in a wide variety of locations and situations. Some situations it will have Kaiju, or a timer. Hint (Only during timed missions": Wait till the Kaiju appears then destroy the generators. That way if the destruction level is not at 100% you will have time to destroy everything in your path. There is no restart button or no "character skin" selection you will be using the default Godzilla till you fulfill certain requirements in order to get the very, very last level. Sadly the game recycles locations just with a different color palette. The only "minor" difference is who is in charge, because depending upon who is in charge, the "threat level" may go up faster, the timer in a timed mission maybe either cut in half or slower, etc.

Another neat feature is the "height" in the game (lol yes i am serious, goes to show how bored i gotten typing this review). In this game depending upon how much havoc you wreck, you will be obtaining G energy, the more G-energy you get the bigger Godzilla gets, and depending upon what "skills" you get from Evolution mode, those pesky hard modes might become easier. Sadly, once the mode is complete the height is restarted to 50 meters. Way to go developers -.-"

King of Kaiju mode:
In the most lackluster mode, This mode offers just random non stop fighting scenarios against the same damn monsters. Oh and if you die, you won't be able to restart, it will take you right back to the main menu screen

Evolution mode:

Diorama mode:

Kaiju Guide:
I could've given this the same meme image. However, the reason i held back and started to type this one up. It's because if you barely watch any Godzilla movies, and just played the games. And what to know more about the monsters within this universe then this guide is perfect (somewhat) to the person or persons who don't watch Godzilla movies, but enjoyed the games.


All in all this game is a "good" Godzilla simulator. But sadly with the developers holding back on not only content, but potential marketing to the other consoles plus PC. This game is just going to a typical past time game. Or if your a Godzilla fan, then consider this a collectors item and not an actual game you have to play.

Score: 3/10

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