Friday, August 14, 2015

*Mobile App* Official Review of Fallout Shelter

Vaults. Vaults never changes. Unless you can fork over the money! And also they never change
In my previous version of Fallout Shelter. I was rather a bit harsh of Bethesda Game Studios for this app. However, After carefully playing this app from top to bottom. My original review still stands however, if you want the "lighter" edition of the review you have come to the right topic.

Be warn! If you are a die-hard Bethesda Game Studio fan that worships the ground the developer studio walks on. Please do not read this review. It will rather be harsh towards BSG (Bethesda Game Studio).

When Bethesda Game Studio revealed not just Fallout 4 at their first E3 press conference but also a cute little mobile app as well. Called, "Fallout Shelter" in this app you are your own Overseer of your own vault. You keep your residents happy but also maintain the vault, expand it, and send out vault dwellers to find supplies,etc. In the wasteland.

What we were promise was true. However, in the past recent weeks since it's first release (Apple version) now combining it with the Android release. This app is sadly just another generic standard mobile game, but this time it has the all the hallmarks of how Bethesda Game Studio can notoriously be towards their stuff in the bugs and glitches department. Not only that but with the micro-transaction system that basically can help your vault in a nut-shell from the first time you play it. You won't have to worry about your Vault being in too much trouble.

So what is the wrong with this App. Well....

1) Bugs & Glitches...

I figured i start this one off with a bang. In this app there are a few noticeable bugs whether or not it's because of the Vault Dwellers skills or just the player, or just the app itself is left to be determined:

For instance, supplies run dry way too quickly or sometimes they make skip a beat, say it usually counts down from 10 to 0 right? in most cases it will go from 10 to 7 to 5 to 0 instantly with little to no warning. Prompting you to expand much more quickly than anticipated. Another bug is how extremely OP the raiders are, no matter if you have legendary vault dwellers (the many famous faces from the Fallout Universe, except for ghouls and super mutants). It will take almost forever, to defeat them causing your vault to sadly die out quickly than anticipated. Same goes for rad-roaches. If they attack your vault your Vault Dwellers health goes down as fast as Road-Runner from the Looney Tunes. So what's the solution...well nothing, sadly. Just pray that your vault dwellers are on Chuck Norris and Rambo levels.

Also most people are reporting serious issues with rooms that either produce, and give nothing. Or  Vault Dwellers tend to go missing, even if you recalled them back to the vault and the timer is set to 0. Also what is a scary thing is that people bought the luncboxes and they either received them, or it won't activate.

And lastly crashes after a certain amount, and among the regular Bethesda Game Studio issues.

2) Missing features?

This is a tricky situation. But it looks like this app, is missing some things like for instance, say i want to figure out my chances in "Rush" mode. So where is the percentage?! Granted it's almost like a coin toss. However, even if the number reads 20% or even 15% heck the lowest number possible. It will still fail, prompting a disaster. Oh look there is a fire in your cafeteria. Another missing feature is the invaders health. I want to figure out how much health these people have left. Apparently they are in god mode, and it feels like someone is on the other side watching you playing and at some point that person is like: "Okay turn god mode off for this person" and they instantly died. Oh look half of your vault dwellers are dead. Should've bought those lunch boxes. Oh yeah and there is no ghoul companions, or there is no ghoulish Vault Dwellers just so you know. And no, no Super Mutant companions in the Vault.

3) Micro-transaction,

Standard Mobile gaming stuff. This time Bethesda is offering you lunchboxes. You can buy at least forty of them for $20 since they are 50% off (for now) basically these lunchboxes will offer you random things ranging from loot to supplies or maybe just a tiny chance of you having a legendary vault dweller. Plus the game offers Mister Handy. Which will automatically collect resources in the vault, and only caps in the wasteland. Not supplies or anything else, and plus they can only be in one room at a time. So choose wisely, and oh cry as you have to pay out of your wallet in order to obtain such a useful item.

4) Mishandling Fallout Features.

In this game stats are important. Like a standard Fallout game. Mostly your SPECIAL stats. Strength, Perception, Endurance, Intelligence, Agility, Luck. Each one has a purpose, however going back to number two. These features are practically confusing. For example, say a vault dweller has high strength right? What if the person doesn't want to maintain the power generator room, or any related Strength room? It makes it hard to figure out what the Vault Dwellers really want. They tell you by either commenting or showing these little red small heads as they flash above their head on the screen telling you that they hate the job. Can you force them to work? Yeah but the production value will go down which is understandably right. But happiness is a huge factor in how much supplies and such you can obtain. If your people aren't happy they will leave the vault or die of starvation, or die from a bullet wound or a rad-roach or now a Deathclaw since they update it.

The vast majority of these vault rooms are either focused mainly on Perception, Agility, and Strength. Sadly you will either get none of those, and risk longer production value, or you will get those people with those skills, and thus making life easier for you in the vault. Until they die, risking you to having to pay to resurrect them, and no there is no "cycle of rebirth" ordeal, they will stay dead, thus affecting the morale, until you remove their body or resurrect them.

Yes I understand that this is like the "Rush" feature where it's a 50-50 toss up on Vault Dwellers coming along, or maybe the ability to instantly completely a production. But that is no excuse, i don't want to have to waste money on lunchboxes, or caps in game just to get particular rooms and upgrade them, etc.

Have maybe like 5 vault dwellers, each randomize with items and skills. And I can select either all of them, or none of them, or maybe a few. If "choice" is a factor in this simulated game app. THEN GIVE US THIS CHOICE!

5) Boring

This is pretty straight forward. You build your vault, and watch it thrive, live and die in the harsh wasteland. What about trading with other vaults you created or maybe settlements? Nope. How about helping NCR or Brotherhood of Steel? Um let me check that...Nope. Oh, okay. What about the Enclave? NOPE!

This is the biggest reason why Fallout Shelter is  just another app and nothing special. Yes, I understand this app just barely released a month ago and this week on the Android, but you would think that after all this time. You would think that Bethesda Game Studios will have these cool features? If they intend to "support" this app. Then make the fixes, and have the feedback. Do not handle this like a generic mobile app game.

I want to see caravans coming to the Vault. Or NCR, Brotherhood of Steel Ambassadors, maybe Ceaser's Legion, or the Enclave. Have us participate in these events that take place in the Fallout Universe maybe for a trade agreement or maybe a lunchbox? Stuff like this! So hopefully, we will see this down the line. If the app makes it that far.

6) Not compatible with certain devices.

When it was announced that Fallout Shelter was coming to Apple devices and Android devices. You would think that they would make it available on ALL devices under these two names. Sadly that is not the case if you have an IOS 7 or an HTC One X. Then by all means have fun, if you have anything barbaric (Ipod, HTC One mini) good luck. It isn't compatible.

I hope BSG will fix this issue soon, because if they don't. They will lose half of their market as quickly as they downloaded the app.

There aren't really any positives. Only the typical: "the visuals are nice" and "it's Fallout". Diehard fans will love this app or hate it. Depending upon your views on Bethesda Game Studios, sadly if you don't have the patience for these sort of games. Then move on, this app isn't for you.

In the end. This app deserves the praise. Sadly it's the little bits that will blend this app among the other apps and it will, in the end be completely forgotten by the general mobile gamer.

Score: 6/10 <-----Original score still stands.

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