Sunday, August 23, 2015

*TV Show* Fear the Walking Dead: "Pilot" Review

When it was announced that a Walking Dead "Prequel" of sorts was going to be made. Fans, Just like myself was stoke at the idea. Seeing how civilization fell the walkers (Not zombies lol :p). Just like the pilot episode of the first season of it's titular name "The Walking Dead". It delivers that slow dread of uncertainty at every turn, while slowly bracing impact of the fall of civilization.

Let us get down to the basics first. We are introduced to the main characters, in the pilot episode's first few minutes. Each character in a typical Walking Dead fashion, either has their problems or issues, and/or are just ignorant to the impending doom that will befall civilization. The shows in a Kojima Trolling fashion,  we are sort of given an idea as to how the outbreak occurred, But never given a solid answer. And of course, given nodes to other zombie pop-culture references like Night of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, World War Z (both the book and the movie), and I am Legend.

As the show progresses, you can clearly see somewhere down the half way mark of the first episode, you know shit has gone down. And the show handles, how any civilization would, "pfft, that's got to be fake" or "that's got to be some Hollywood shit going down" or "If it's a prank. It's not a funny one". Eventually, we will get to see the horrors, of how just reality will hit them like a ton of bricks. The final moments of this episode clearly defines that. It's just the beginning folks.

All and all. This show is off to a slow start. Which is great, again. Just like the first episode of the first season of the Walking Dead. The show builds up the suspense and tension, Around every corner. Some of the acting is a little bit force in some parts, and if your a long time Walking Dead fan, like myself. The show has some predictable moments, like that moment they gone back to find Calvin's body, "Yup, clearly he is a Walker" or that highway segment, where you know something seriously has gone wrong.

Hopefully, this "prequel" can deliver the charm that the Walking Dead is known for.

Score: 8/10

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