Tuesday, September 22, 2015

*GAME* Metal Gear Solid: Handheld Edition Review!

NOTE: For this review. I will be discussing. Both Portable Ops and Peace Walker. 


Follow the journey of former FOX agent. Big Boss as his story isn't over yet!

Both games introduce a new system that would later on be seen in MGS V. You can control and manage any recurit you find in both games. Sadly there is no really 'stealth' here. Just look at your corners and simply pray. Make sure you fully upgrade your weapons and keep yourself at a calm pacing. Because at most times both games can be frusrating.

A downside to this game is that its boss battles. Tries to be MGS. But well it's not only just on handheld but its really lacklustering. I won't spoil things but it can't be help that more time and effort should've been done.

These two games. Plus MGS V. bridges the gap and shows the rise of Outer Heaven. The only downside is that the cutscenes are presented in this 'comic book style' I like it for a handheld game. But for a HD edition on a console? Yeah...good luck lol. It still looks good but it could've been handled more properly.

Like before. I won't spoil the plot in Ops and Walker.

P. Ops: 7/10
Peacewalker: 9/10

*GAME* Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

"I'm no hero"

The year is 2014. The world is stuck in this never ending cycle of warfare. As war itself becomes an economy. the "War Economy" all the while, Liquid Snake (Who is Revolver Ocelot. Who is now Liquid Ocelot) attempts to hijack the Patriots SOP system and thus breaking the cycle once and for all. However, it is up to Solid Snake (Old Snake) to stop Liquid's plans once and for all and save mankind on the brink of destruction.

In terms of gameplay. It's kind of a mixed bag (For me anyways).  It combines stealth, with a ton of guns, like a whole mall basically. There is stealth elements, although your not going to be really using it all that much. Just aim down the sight and take your enemies out...and of course hide the bodies. The boss battles are very unique homage to previous MGS games before 4.

You are an aged Solid Snake. The world needs you once again. This is by far the biggest emotional roller coaster ride you will ever experience. I won't spoil the details. But the main thing is, be aware this game does have a lot of cut scenes. Basically to wrap up the plot and explain the plot.

NOTE: There was an online portion of this game. But it's dead now. So I won't be reviewing that part.

In the end, MGS 4. Is the best send off to a character that we have grown accustom to. And we will definitely miss you. Solid Snake. Despite the long cutscenes, in an already huge game. The game in the end leaves fans satisfy by the overall product.

Score: 10/10 

*GAME* Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.

"Not for honor. But for you!"

Metal Gear Solid 3. Is by far, bar none. The best Metal Gear Solid game. It both balances gameplay and story, like it was a dance. Journey back to 1964. And play as Naked Snake, a FOX agent ordered to kill his mentor The Boss. And preventing the world from getting blown to Hell.

In previous MGS games. Everything was modern. Now? 1964? Everything has gone backwards. There's no radar. No ration, no cyborg ninja. None of this stuff existed (at least not yet). This game is probably the most realistic MGS game to date. As it not only is a huge parody of James Bond. But it feels so 'real' that it taken place. In our plain of reality. The same mechanics that made MGS 2 popular has return. And this time the game offers three new things:

1. Camo Index
2. Stamina system
3. On site medical treatment

With the Camo index. You can blend in with your environment, depending upon what environment, your chances of being spot may either rise up or down. Stamina system, helps you a lot in this game, in terms of moving around, CQC, aiming. If you don't keep yourself fed. You are going to really, be at a disadvantage. Plus the game has this interesting 'healing' system. You patch yourself up, and maintain yourself. If you don't it will come and bite you back in the butt.

While the boss battles were 'almost' realistic, they still pull of that OMG Metal Gear Solid factor.

This game is such a big James Bond parody. But with a MGS twist. This game heavily focuses on ideology. To which this same ideology will be applied later on to the rest of the MGS series. Instead of Solid Snake, you are actually a 'green' Big Boss. Before his downfall. This is the beginning of his story arc in the biggest video game franchise ever. I won't spoil the rest. It's safe to say. Play it.

Score: 10/10

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

*GAME* Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

"V has come to"

On September 1st, 2015. The video game world was greeted with the last and epic Metal Gear Solid game made by Hideo Kojima. After all the up's and downs we have made it. But the fallout of MGS V post release has been a rocky one. The game felt very well executed in gameplay, but in story it sorely falls apart at the near end.

For this review i will divide it up into sub-headings or whatever you want to call them. I will try and be very detail as i can with the review. And yes, that will include spoilers you have been warned.

The E3 2013 trailer (Featuring "Sins of the Father" by Donna Burke). Was right in every way possible. The gameplay is superbly dynamic. You can choose your mission sortie (Loadout) while also picking the time slot whether it's ASAP. 0600 or 1800. You can really see how the "shifts" play a vital role into how you conduct your missions, the AO might be 'busy' in the daytime but at night it feels 'lighter'. Not only that by the dynamic weather system. Sandstorms, rain. You name it, and it will work with you but also against you. As many reviews had said, including myself: "The world works with you, but also against you".

Not only that but you are in charge of your own Mother Base. While you can't customize where you can put the platforms and such. You can customize the color, and the emblem. Vehicle, and Pequod. You can also fulton enemy soldiers from the field, get 'volunteers' (depending upon how high your Heroism is) You can auto assigned staff members to the suited place. Or just assigned them yourself.

The downside to the "Mother Base" side of things is that there is no real urgency. (Unless your playing FOB) there is no random PF attack, not even a nation coming in with the choppers and such to try and attack your resources, etc. Plus the base itself feels empty. Which is disappointing. With such a huge base. Why on earth isn't it "busy". This only applies to (FOB) as the CP asks any and all available soldiers for assistance.

Regardless of what system you got MGS V on. The game itself looks beautiful in every possible. With the lighting, the shading. The almost life like graphics to date. While sure not really "life-like" you can't help but just feel in awe of the visuals of the Fox Engine. From the textures of the armor, NPCs, to the environment itself.

Before the release of MGO3. We are treated to a new online system called. FOB (Forward Operating Base) at the start of mission 21. We are given this warning that the R&D platform was hijacked by a PF. You are to restore the R&D platform under Diamond Dog control. As soon as that mission is over. You are treated to a short tutorial on the basic how-to for your FOB. Which is like your Mother Base, but having it online.

First of all, the concept was interesting. But the execution was lazy and overall disappointing. The system was said to be an 'offline/online' sort of thing. But instead it's an ALWAYS ONLINE ordeal, not only that but FOB is tide into your Single-player Motherbase. So as you are offline, your FOB is under attack and you can lose staff members and resources. And no, by being 'offline' it doesn't help. You will still be 'attacked' no matter what.

And since whatever loadout you have carries over to an FOB online session. Which is essentially sneaking into a specific platform. You can practically 'Call of Duty' it. While the game does alert the FOB owner that it is under attack. And can respond. What I am trying to say is. the FOB has this 50/50 toss up, and is completely unfair to newcomers to the franchise. There is no real way you can really defend your FOB if you are 'offline' while your FOB itself remains 'online' hopefully, Konami will patch this up and offer an between 'offline' and 'online' session.

Plus this is the best way to get staff members and extra resources. So there is another downside to that, or upside (whichever you prefer). As long as you have the right upgrades and security measurements you should be fine. Unless you are 'offline' and then well your either screwed or you are risking it.

I can guarantee you, MGO3 when it comes out, HALF if not ALL of the FOB players will start to play MGO3.

Characters (Slight to heavy Spoilers).
Metal Gear Solid V reintroduces us to familiar characters while also introducing to us new characters. Primarily three. While you can say (Eli, "Floating kid" and the "Man on Fire") Had you play the other MGS games you can take a good guess as to who these three are. So for the sake of this portion of the review. I will talk about (Skull Face, Quiet, and Code Talker). And of course later i will do the returning characters such as (Kaz, Big Boss, and Huey).

  • Quiet
Let's go straight for the throat here. When it was said that we will be getting a new female character to join the illustrious women that dominated the series in the past (The Boss, Eva, Meryl, Mei Ling, Naomi Hunter, etc.) what we got instead was a scantily clad female sniper by the name of "Quiet" both modeled and voice by Dutch model Stefanie Joosten. Many people, including myself. Heck, even some of the MGS veterans were confused at the decision. While sure Kojima did state that there was some importance to her. In the end, she was nothing but mere eye-candy. She does play a role within the story. But she is easily forgettable, as Ocelot said, "She upholds to her name".

You encounter Quiet at the beginning of the game as an XOF assassin. Before she kills you, Ishmael douses her with rubbing alcohol and a lighter, and thus ending her life as a normal human being. Later on you encounter her in Episode 11, when you are heading for the power plant to recuse Huey as he is trying to defect. This boss battle is probably the only memorable boss battle within the game. As it homages to the sniper duels from previous MGS games such as "The End" or "Sniper Wolf". Note, if you want to really finish the game. It is vital that you DO NOT KILL HER. Without her some of the missions and side-ops related to her will be locked up.

It is later discovered she survived, just barely. As she goes under Skull Face's parasite therapy thus making her like a Skull Unit member. But still look normal, this is never really explained. But instead we get is a half-ass explanation of her nature. She's photosynthetic. Basically a plant. Later on, she will eventually go MIA. To explain this, after raising her bond to 100 she disappears, you go find her. And the episode dubbed: "A Quiet Exit" sort of homages to Custer's last stand, in some fashion as you are outnumbered and out gunned. After surviving the onslaught you are succumbed to a sandstorm both the Soviets and yourselves. As you try to find the landing zone, and hide from the soviets. Big Boss, gets bitten by...a snake. He falls over and the only person that can save Big Boss is..you guessed it. Quiet. Now it turns out she has the same vocal parasite that is this biological weapon that is part of the main plot. If she even remotely speaks English. As the parasites are coded with this only trigger. You will end up either dead or a 'husk' and since Pequod (callsign for the chopper) can't find you in the sandstorm it is up to Quiet to give up her life in exchange for Big Boss's. 

Afterwards we are treated with probably a somber ending but when its' all said and done. She is not only the most useful buddy, and not only the most expensive. But her story feels incomplete. Yes. Yes. I know, "You said it yourself. She has the vocal parasite. So therefore her story is complete". But, but it turns out nearly 99% of her body was torched and therefore since she can breath through her skin, instead of using her lungs, etc. It renders the parasite useless as it needs.. an actual living host. With a heart, lung, etc. She doesn't have, well any of those, at least to some context or degree.

  • Skull Face
The main antagonist of Chapter 1 (Will explain this later on in the story portion of the review) and former leader of Cipher's strike force. XOF. We got to take a look at MGS V's main antagonist in Ground Zeroes, the prologue game before The Phantom Pain. He's cold, calculating and never shows mercy or has any emotion. We see him again in The Phantom Pain. As his goals are pretty simple, it turns out he knows Zero's (David Oh, Major Zero) plan, it is to control the world through the use of information, as you will eventually see in the Solid Snake saga. However, to that end in order to stop this from happening he uses a parasite made by Code Talker in order to rid the world of the English language, thus stopping Cipher's plan. This is also why Zero is the way he is in MGS 4: Guns of the Patriots, Skull Face 'destroys' the human side of Zero and makes him into the vegetable that he is in MGS 4.

When it was revealed on a podcast headed up by YongYea. James Horan the man who voiced Skull Face, revealed he only had an hour or so dialogue, thus troubling some people, like myself. Skull Face is the more philosophical villain. Rather than an actual bad guy, he discusses with you his relation to you, FOX, and the overall grand scheme of things. (More will be discuss in the Story element of this review).

  • Code Talker
Code-Talker plays a vital role in both chapters and also helping you understand the parasite that not only Skull Face is using but also that is plaguing your Mother Base. (More will be discussed in the story element of this review).

Returning Characters:
We get to see Huey, Ocelot, Big Boss, and Kaz Miller. Returning to this conclusion of the Big Boss saga. To put it shortly they played their part (more will be discussed in the story element of this review, Except for Kaz and Ocelot that will be explained in the retcon blog post).

Story (Heavy Spoilers).
The story is divided up into two chapters. "Revenge" and "Race" There was suppose to be a third chapter entitled "PEACE" but that was cut out.

The story for The Phantom Pain, picks up nine years after Ground Zeroes. MSF was blown to hell. You end up in a coma, you awaken nine years later as the whole world wants you dead, it is up to you and your new mercenary outfit "Diamond Dogs" to avenge MSF and to destroy Cipher.

With this being said, sounds cool right? Well unfortunately the story itself is the weakest part of MGS V. In previous Metal Gear games the story and gameplay was well-balanced. But sadly the gameplay triumphs over the story which is vital to an MGS game. Regardless of the epic gameplay.

The first chapter solely focuses on Diamond Dogs v XOF. Big Boss v Skull Face. When it is all said and done in the first chapter you will just completely forget about chapter 2 as it felt rushed and almost half-ass. While sure it did give us some good moments the majority of the missions were just different "approaches" to missions from chapter 1. Nothing really new. It also...ends. So suddenly.

In chapter 1 entitled "Revenge" solely focuses on what i said earlier, You go to Afghanistan, and Africa, to purse Skull Face. At the end of chapter 1 we are treated to a lot of dialogue, the most awkward car ride, with Sins of the Father playing in the background. Ironically if you listen to "Sins of the Father" after you beat MGS V the song really does make sense. As the fathers of Hal and Solid Snake are the better men than their fathers.

Skull Face does two of the most ridiculous things at the end game in chapter 1. He says "Remember the Alamo" while referring to Big Boss since Big Boss was "escorted" at the behest of Skull Face and XOF in tow to the hanger where the new Metal Gear was. After he said  that line you can probably make the biggest and obvious guess ever. "Skull Face is going to die isn't he?" and yes he does but not before delivering the most non-serious piece of dialogue ever seen in an MGS game, and thus becoming a memorable line from the game. "Wait! who's doing this? such a lust for revenge. WHO?!" and in a typical Hollywood style moment XOF soldiers fired upon 'the floating kid' as the floating kid hijacks the new Metal Gear. And yes you read that correctly, "The idiots were firing on the floating kid. As floating kid hijacks a upright walking nuclear battle tank...machine thingy".


The chapter ends with not Big Boss and Kaz exacting revenge on Skull Face. But with Huey Emmerich, you know. The guy responsible for the destruction of MSF. Or so he claims he is innocent. And he delivers the most face-palming line ever. "REVENGE!" I mean seriously? THAT'S HOW IT ENDS?! all of that build up to drop the ball, like that?

(You can tell the game has bad writing).

In chapter 2. Dubbed "Race" (Which has no relation to said title). Focuses on the aftermath of Skull Face and rebuilding Diamond Dogs to become a fighting force. At some point a new parasite outbreak happens on the base. Which in an awesome nod to Resident Evil. You are to investigate it. Oh so you know, earlier where I mention you can have "staff members" the staff members within this particular mission, "A Shinning light. Even in death" as the mission is called. You are to kill them, because they carry the parasite. In the most gut wrenching mission ever in the game. You feel sad and depress as these men you entrusted to help you with your needs on and off the field.

This chapter also closes the gap on some characters within the game. Eli is obviously Liquid Snake. He hijacks the "Skull Face Metal Gear" bids you farewell and instead of closing the gap. Truly on him, it. It just ends, (Cut mission suppose to resolve that. Collectors Edition has this so-called mission. Only in concept and 30% done with cutscene management, etc.)

Huey it turns out was responsible for not only the disaster 9 years ago. But also the outbreak, helping Eli escape, (Without his knowledge, somehow) he also causes the death of MGS: Peacewalker character. Dr. Strangelove. Who is in fact Otacon's mother. Not only that but she is responsible (as the story now says). She is responsible for the Patriots AI system. Instead of killing him, (As Kaz would want it). Huey is banished from Diamond Dogs.

Refer to Quiet' character review. For her conclusion. As for Code Talker, there is no conclusion, in fact there is no explanation at all. Whatsoever.

All and all the story for chapter 2 not only felt rush and repetitive but it heavily relies on chapter 1. Had chapter 2 been more completed or heck, had Skull Face lived on to the ending of chapter 2, swap missions and polish the overall pace. It could've been a lot better. But sadly Chapter 2 just...ends. With no real conclusion.

The story was by far the weakest and disappointed. While it delivered some awesome dialogue and moments everything else just falls flat. While the game overall delivers its most jaw-dropping retcon to the game series.

*Note: I will explain the retcon in a separate blog post. While also explaining the pros and cons.

In the end MGS V, delivers the most epic game in recent memory of an MGS game. The dynamic gameplay was awestruck, but sadly the story dropped the ball with forgettable characters and plots, plus with some of the most face-palming writing that an MGS game has to offer.

SCORE: 8/10

It really doesn't deserve the 9's and 10's it's been getting.  The gameplay holds up to this game, but everything else either felt rushed or completely dropped ball'd. Plus with an almost unfair online portion of the game (Till MGO3) it doesn't really look good for MGS V for a GOTY status. Unless Konami, and Kojima responds quickly it will be harder in the near future.