Tuesday, September 22, 2015

*GAME* Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.

"Not for honor. But for you!"

Metal Gear Solid 3. Is by far, bar none. The best Metal Gear Solid game. It both balances gameplay and story, like it was a dance. Journey back to 1964. And play as Naked Snake, a FOX agent ordered to kill his mentor The Boss. And preventing the world from getting blown to Hell.

In previous MGS games. Everything was modern. Now? 1964? Everything has gone backwards. There's no radar. No ration, no cyborg ninja. None of this stuff existed (at least not yet). This game is probably the most realistic MGS game to date. As it not only is a huge parody of James Bond. But it feels so 'real' that it taken place. In our plain of reality. The same mechanics that made MGS 2 popular has return. And this time the game offers three new things:

1. Camo Index
2. Stamina system
3. On site medical treatment

With the Camo index. You can blend in with your environment, depending upon what environment, your chances of being spot may either rise up or down. Stamina system, helps you a lot in this game, in terms of moving around, CQC, aiming. If you don't keep yourself fed. You are going to really, be at a disadvantage. Plus the game has this interesting 'healing' system. You patch yourself up, and maintain yourself. If you don't it will come and bite you back in the butt.

While the boss battles were 'almost' realistic, they still pull of that OMG Metal Gear Solid factor.

This game is such a big James Bond parody. But with a MGS twist. This game heavily focuses on ideology. To which this same ideology will be applied later on to the rest of the MGS series. Instead of Solid Snake, you are actually a 'green' Big Boss. Before his downfall. This is the beginning of his story arc in the biggest video game franchise ever. I won't spoil the rest. It's safe to say. Play it.

Score: 10/10

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