Tuesday, September 22, 2015

*GAME* Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

"I'm no hero"

The year is 2014. The world is stuck in this never ending cycle of warfare. As war itself becomes an economy. the "War Economy" all the while, Liquid Snake (Who is Revolver Ocelot. Who is now Liquid Ocelot) attempts to hijack the Patriots SOP system and thus breaking the cycle once and for all. However, it is up to Solid Snake (Old Snake) to stop Liquid's plans once and for all and save mankind on the brink of destruction.

In terms of gameplay. It's kind of a mixed bag (For me anyways).  It combines stealth, with a ton of guns, like a whole mall basically. There is stealth elements, although your not going to be really using it all that much. Just aim down the sight and take your enemies out...and of course hide the bodies. The boss battles are very unique homage to previous MGS games before 4.

You are an aged Solid Snake. The world needs you once again. This is by far the biggest emotional roller coaster ride you will ever experience. I won't spoil the details. But the main thing is, be aware this game does have a lot of cut scenes. Basically to wrap up the plot and explain the plot.

NOTE: There was an online portion of this game. But it's dead now. So I won't be reviewing that part.

In the end, MGS 4. Is the best send off to a character that we have grown accustom to. And we will definitely miss you. Solid Snake. Despite the long cutscenes, in an already huge game. The game in the end leaves fans satisfy by the overall product.

Score: 10/10 

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